On Thursday, February 8, the finals for our 1st Roséen eloquence competition took place at the Gstaad Yacht Club. The eleven finalists, selected...

Class 6 Roséens had a fantastic weekend in Moléson, enjoying the sunshine and panoramic views. Despite the limited snow, the group participated in...

Every year, Le Rosey offers 2 to 3 “Honour Trips” for our highest achieving Roséens, offering the chance to broaden their learning beyond...

Winter sports and fierce competition on the slopes aren't the only defining features of the Rosey Long Weekend. This year, our Guidance office...

Class 6 Roséens were treated to a visit from one of our Professeurs d'Histoire, who gave the class a first-hand recounting of his...

As a part of the tech programme, Class 4 Roséens had the opportunity to create “smart” homes, combining creativity and sustainability. The group...

On Sunday, a motivated group of 13 Roséens donned their gear and set out to begin their Breithorn training, conquering a 700-metre vertical...

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